What is Chiropractic?
Gentle, effective treatment to restore nerve tissue function naturally. A therapeutic system based primarily upon the interactions of the spine and nervous system, the method of treatment usually being to adjust the segments of the spinal column.
Chiropractic has an ageless place in health care. The Chinese have included "manipulative" treatment methods for thousands of years. Hippocrates, the "father of modern medicine" included "Manipulations" in his treatments. Chiropractic has been practiced in America for over 100 years.
The doctor of chiropractic (D.C.) is a well-recognized and highly regarded member of the health care community who considers the human body as a totaling functioning unit with special attention given to the spine, muscles, nerves, circulatory and skeletal systems. The chiropractor seeks to relieve pain, illness and injury by skillful manipulation of the vertebra (and other joints) and through the use of other therapeutic procedures as necessary.
The doctor of chiropractic is especially skillful in treating neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions such as disc or injury conditions involving the back and neck. Millions of Americans depend on their chiropractor for a wide range of health disorders to help them maintain their health through proper diagnosis, treatment and referral when necessary.
The doctor of chiropractic is uniquely qualified to render primary care by virtue of their extensive training in diagnosis and treatment. For example, Colorado requires that a doctor of chiropractic graduate from a four year chiropractic college accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education and pass stringent national licensing examinations. Every graduate / licensee has extensive training in anatomy, pathology, physiology, diagnosis, x-ray and treatment techniques.