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Pharmaceutical Lies and The Resurgence of Kava

Pharmaceutical Lies and The Resurgence of Kava

We are going to discuss the medicinal effect of this plant called Kava. It has generated much conversation recently and we need to clear the air a bit. Before we do that though there are some common misperceptions that we need to set straight first.

Here are some well known facts that may not be common knowledge in America. We are an extensively developed nation with many resources and technologies, but sometimes we lack in common sense especially when it comes to medicinal herbs.

Scientists, researchers, and doctors would agree with the following statement:

Drugs treat symptoms but do NOT correct the underlying condition or cause.

We know this to be true and we accept this premise when we take a drug. Drugs may alleviate some pain or situation and may buy us some time but none of the pharmaceuticals are correcting physiological function that matches the healing function of medicinal herbs.

Medicinal herbs treat symptoms AND correct the underlying condition or cause.

You should really read that again….because I know you probably have not grasped it completely into your consciousness especially if you are the type that takes an aspirin when you get a headache…. Be honest now…smile. : )

In fact, the USA is the only country in the world that generally does not believe that medicinal herbs correct the underlying condition or cause. Why is that?

We do not believe that herbs correct underlying conditions nor do we believe that herbs have an immediate effect on symptoms like a drug would. We have been brainwashed with claims that the only cure is a drug.

Time For Another Brainwashing! This time let's get it clean!

We have been brainwashed to believe that "every ill deserves a pill" in the form of a pharmaceutical drug. This would be backward thinking if the rest of the planet is not using drugs, correct? Well, it's only backwards when you leave the country and see what everyone else is doing to cure their ills.

Most of the billions of people on the planet are NOT using a drug….they are using herbal medicine and have for thousands of years. These same people look at Americans and think we are insane! ….and some of us are!

We Americans have lost touch with what heals and have traded up to what sells. The sad truth is that it is killing us! Bold statement…yes and intended as such! It's a wake up call. It's time to really look at what our choices have produced by looking at the results.

Drugs have decreased our quality of life, shortened our life span, made us addicts, depleted our nutrients, destroyed tissues, disrupted normal physiological processes, and the list goes on and yet we still think it is okay to take them because our doctor told us it's safe. The statistics on disease say otherwise. Look closely at the evidence below. Let it sink in.

Pharmaceutical Lies "Ya think?"

Disease is on the rise and drug use is too! No surprise there. Drug companies know exactly what they are doing and it has nothing to do with your wellness. However, this article is not about bashing the drug companies because drugs are very useful and important for short term situations. Drugs do have a purpose and a place in medicine but not in wellness care.

What is really surprising is that we have lost our herbal ways by CHOICE.

Let's really step up and take responsibility for our personal health now.

The motto at my clinic is "WELLNESS IS A CHOICE"

Wellness does not occur by chance. Wellness occurs when we experience a symptom and we discover the cause and correct it at the bio-emotional, bio-mechanical, biochemical cellular level. We move the thinking, we move the body, and we move in herbs and nutrients that heal. If your best thinking has got you to where you are then you may need to set the ego aside and listen to someone who knows how to get results. Many people want to hang on to their current thinking to correct problems that occurred because of what they thought….it never happens. One must become open and teachable to learn how to heal a body that is not well.

So let's talk about Kava and its healing properties that have been known for thousands of years

Let's Talk Kava

For the last century the herb Kava or Piper methysticum has emerged as an effective treatment for anxiety, insomnia, and relaxing skeletal muscles. The other great news on Kava is that research shows that there is no serious adverse effects, no hepatotoxicity, and it is non-addictive. There have been several clinical trials that confirmed its efficacy.

Kava Banned In Europe 2002

But then concerns began to emerge about Kava causing liver toxicity in a few users who had a rare immune response that cause the immune cells to attack the liver. This phenomenon is known as drug induced liver injury (DILI) and occurs quite frequently with most orthodox dugs. Under political pressure over the issue, the German Health Authority (equivalent to US FDA) decided to ban the therapeutic use of Kava in June 2002 despite the extensive evidence of effects lower than conventional sedative drugs on the market. One be one, the international authorities in Europe, Canada and Japan move to stop the sale of Kava products. (Mills S, Bone, K, 9eds) The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety, Elsevier, St. Louis. 2005, pp155-219.)

Kava Ban Lifted

However, a group of scientists in Australia led by Dr. Jerome Sarris decided to test efficacy and safety of Kava water (aqueous) extract. Ironically, they undertook the first clinical trials on this ancient way of taking Kava, leading to its resurgence as a safe and effective herbal supplement. (Lehrl S J Affect Disord 2004: 78(2): 101-110.

Kava Gets Great Thumbs Up

Kava is not only the best herbal answer for anxiety it also plays a very useful role in promoting healthy sleep with very little "hangover" effect the next day. This has been especially effective for people with sleep onset insomnia, sleep maintenance insomnia, adrenally depleted, fibromyalgia, non-restorative sleep, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Some causes for sleep onset insomnia are anxiety, pain, discomfort, caffeine, and alcohol use. Some causes for sleep maintenance insomnia can be linked to depression, sleep apnea, hypoglycemia, pain, discomfort, and alcohol use.

Tips for Unwinding at Night

Eliminate coffee, tea, guarana, cola drinks, and alcohol. Add a few drops of Lavender Oil added to an evening bath and on your pillow.

Kava Plus Helpful Herbs for Insomnia

Valarian, Spiny Jujube, Passion Flower, California Poppy, and Chamomile

Kava Plus Helpful Herbs for Fibromyalgia and Sleep Maintenance

St. Jon's Wort, Skullcap, Damiana, Rhodiola, and Schisandra

Kava Plus Helpful Herbs for Adrenally Depleted and Sleep Maintenance

Licorice, Rehmannia which can also help maintain blood sugar levels at night.

Kava Plus Helpful Herbs for Non Restorative Sleep and Stress

Withania (Ashwaganda)

Kava Plus Helpful Herbs for Pain

Willow Bark (inflammation), or for smooth muscle cramping use Corydalis, Cramp Bark, or WIld Yam, Chaste Tree

So there you have it….a key herb for anxiety is Kava. Add Kava to the appropriate supportive herbs and you have a non-pharmaceutical treatment the will help with symptoms at the same time it is correcting the underlying condition or cause.

Ask your MD, DC, DO, Acupuncturist, Naturopath, or other Holistic Practitioner to help you first realize the cause of your condition and then choose the appropriate combination of herbs, including Kava, so you can feel better and get a great nights sleep! Come by and visit us at Duve Wellness Center in Port Isabel. We would be happy to assist you and get you on a path to wellness without drugs.

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Wellness Is A Choice...Be Well

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