Make a Stand for Your Health
If you do not start today, when would be a good time to turn your health around?
Is it when things get so bad that you cannot function?
Is it when you miss an important life activity because you are sick or weak or just not feeling up to it?
Is it when you limit your living to only what your illness allows?
Is it when you feel the pangs of guilt and shame when you have to admit you do not know how you got so sick and worse yet you are too prideful to admit you do not know how to get yourself well?
Well, let me tell you that you are not alone. Many have felt the same and travelled the same path. You will also be happy to know that many have also, said to themselves enough is enough, and they asked for help.
Now, here is a news flash you are not hearing much about.....PEOPLE HEAL THEMSELVES ALL THE TIME! That's right! If there is someone that had your same exact condition and they found a way to CURE IT COMPLETELY, then you can step into the same footprint on the walk they took.
It is not a dream to be well it is a CHOICE!
Once you start by kicking those who keep you sick to the curb, and that may even be YOU AND YOUR OWN THINKING, then you can get on a path of successful recovery by those who know and live by the path.
It only takes a decision. Do not wait. If you are still breathing, then it is not too late for you!
After all, if you wear your body out, where are you going to live.
Come learn how to SIT, STAY, HEAL with Dr. Susan Duve at DUVE WELLNESS CENTER. No, you are not a dog, but your do need some training on how to have a body and get it well again.
Start today or put it off again. It is a choice you make.
Wellness is a CHOICE, NOT A CHANCE.
