Radiation Damage and The Use of Ginkgo
March 11, 2011 was the day that changed everything, but how many of you do not even know what occurred on that day? I bet quite a few. We all remember 9/11 right? That effected thousands of people directly and many millions around the world. Well what happened on March 11, 2011 is still effecting our survival on this planet and yet we are not hearing about it as an ongoing risk to our health. The truth is that not all information is being released and you are not being protected by anyone.
Here are updates from 10/15/2013 and 10/16/2013 that effect the entire planet due to radiation and melt down of Fukushima. UPDATE: Typhoon Slams Japan: Causes More Radioactive Water Release at Fukushima Further Update: 33 Inches of Rain from Typhoon Wipha; New Storm Brewing TEPCO: “…accumulated rainwater had been released from storage tanks…”
“AFP: Powerful Typhoon Wipha heads for Fukushima, TEPCO bracing for ‘inflows of water’ — Experts: Huge flood potential for area around plant — Forecast to grow and strengthen, up to 40-foot waves off Japan coast”* “No reactor is safe, as Fukushima Daiichi shows us. All Ionizing Radiation (e.g., radioactivity) exposure leads to damage to DNA, proteins, and other essential parts of the working system that is the body, just as it does in all living organisms.” - Dr. Rima E. Laibow, Medical Director at http://drrimatruthreports.com

This is not just Japans problem. Radiation of this magnitude will affect all of us. Our air, water, food, and entire population is at risk. Why is this not in the news here? While that may be a question for another article, we won’t get into that here. What we will discuss is what you can do right now to protect your health and the health of your family. It is clear that no one is going to do this for you. You must be proactive and take responsibility for protecting your own lives.

What does radiation do in the body?
Ionizing radiation causes damage by the free-radical storms inside the body which lead to serious destruction to all cell-level structures, including proteins and DNA. Most people are unaware that we are regularly exposed to high energy radiation in a number of ways including nuclear reactor accidents. A significant exposure can come from background radiation, natural occurring radioactive elements I the earth and the cosmic rays from space. According to the US EPA, about 8% of the annual radiation exposure comes from outer space. Other sources are medical techniques like x-rays, CT scan (100 times the radiation as x-ray). In fact, the Institute of Medicine concluded that the two environmental factors most strongly associated with breast cancer were ionizing radiation and postmenopausal hormone therapy. (Ask Dr. Duve about Natural Homeopathic Hormone Therapy options)
Radio-protective Activity of Herbs
Accourding to legend, several Ginkgo trees growing within one mile of the Hiroshima atomic blast were among th few living things to survive and are flourishing to this day (Wikapedia). Perhaps radiation survival is an inherent property of the Ginkgo tree. The Ginkgo tree species is a living fossil dating back more than 200 million years to a time when background radiation exposure on earth was substantially higher. Whatever the case, clinical studies do support its radioprotective activity.

Ginkgo’s Neutralizing Effect
Studies have shown that Ginkgo neutralized genetic damage induced by radioiodine treatments in Grave’s disease patients and in Chernobyl accident recovery workers with no clinically relevant side effects. (Nutrition and Healing, September, 2013,Kerry Bone)

Ginkgo’s Added Benefits
support memory and cognition
promote alertness and mental clarity
help support healthy mental function
support good health in older adults
promote healthy circulation to the brain and peripheral areas of the body which is important for the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients
support a healthy cardiovascular system
support and encourage healthy blood
provide antioxidant support to help protect nerve cells and other tissues
support normal hearing
support eye health
beneficially modulate cortisol during periods of stress
reduce the congestive symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

We can take some preventative action with herbs and supplements to minimize the effects of radiation damage. Eating uncontaminated foods, avoiding unnecessary medical techniques, drinking clean uncontaminated water, taking Ginkgo up to 180mg per day.
Powerful antioxidants, vitamins and supplements are really helpful in that they prevent, mitigate, reverse, and treat this destruction successfully. This is considered real therapeutic nutrition!
As always, ask your preventative healthcare provider for the best nutritional plan for you. Need an evaluation? Visit us at Duve Wellness Center and we will do a comprehensive evaluation complete with nutritional recommendation report. We are extending our FREE Blood Chemistry Review offer through November 30th. (Bring in your blood work report and Dr. Duve will review it and show you how to resolve any abnormal values. Printed report provided to you with a protocol for a long and healthy life.
(More articles at www.duvewellnessblog.com)
Wellness is a choice…Be Well
Dr. Susan Duve