Hormonal Harmony for Men & Women: Vitality Through All the Seasons of Life

“Hormones have many functions as the body’s messengers. In scientific language, they are referred to as signalers. They are so important that all other signals within the cells are ignored when a hormonal signal is sent.”
Allan & Lutz, Life Without Bread (2000), p22.
Hormones play a role in:
Stimulation or inhibition of growth
Induction or suppression of apoptosis
Activation or inhibition of the immune system
Regulation of metabolism
Preparation of the body for reproducing, fighting, fleeing, etc
Preparation of the body for a new phase of life, such as puberty, parenting, and menopause
Control of the reproductive cycle
The Big Picture
The reproductive system is the ONLY system that we can live without, so if nutritional resources are lacking OR if the body perceives that there is something more important to address, then the reproductive system will be compromised.
Same goes for the health of the hair and nails, which are both modified skin.
In a clinical setting, these often show up together with a woman complaining of hormonal imbalance and poor skin quality, while men will complain of erectile dysfunction. Both sexes are subject to infertility.
Holistic Approach to Balancing Hormones
Diet lays the foundation for healthy hormones:
Digestion, detoxification, and immune function are linked together as one.
Lifestyle considerations
Herbs are strategically used to support each of the above, including herbs specific to particular imbalances.
The Role of Food in Healthy Hormones
There are 2 factors here:
Blood sugar regulation and food allergies are the underlying causes of many hormonal imbalances and when present together, compound one another.
Insulin Resistance
Insulin is the only hormone that lowers blood sugar. We have 4 hormones to increase blood sugar (cortisol, adrenaline, glucagon, and growth hormone).
Insulin opposes growth hormone, which promotes the building of lean muscle mass and burning of fat.
In women with insulin resistance, estrogen decreases and testosterone increases, essentially turning a woman into a man and men into women!
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and moobs explained!
Supporting Healthy Insulin Function
A deficiency of any one of these nutrients can induce insulin resistance: chromium, manganese, magnesium, and zinc.
Our solutions:
Cataplex GTF (chromium)
Trace Minerals B12 or Manganese B12 (no iodine, less trace minerals, and less expensive)
Magnesium Lactate
Zinc Liver Chelate or Chezyn
Also, consume a hearty, low-carb breakfast rich in protein and fat and approximately 60 grams of carbohydrate per day, emphasizing animal protein, fats and leafy greens in the remainder of the diet.
The Food Allergy Triangle
Digestive complaint
Musculoskeletal complaint
Nervous system/mood complaint
Most likely culprits:
The Gifts of Good Fats
Regulates blood sugar & is anti-allergenic.
Olive oil, butter/cream, coconut oil, palm oil, eggs, animal fat/lard, cold water fish, & nuts/seeds.
Tuna Omega & Calamari Oil – modulates inflammation, improves mood
Cod Liver Oil – EFA’s with fat soluble vitamin activators A & D
Black Currant Seed Oil – offers overall endocrine support
Wheat Germ Oil – improves skin quality and acts as hormonal precursor; great for dryness and deficiency
Evening Primrose Oil – modulates inflammation, useful for PMS
Dr. Susan Duve