Sweet Lies About Refined Sugar
The truth is finally coming out about sugar. Refined sugar is harmful to your health. Not all sugars are created equal. There are some vitally healthy sugars that your cells need to communicate with each other, for body systems to run properly, and for cellular regeneration to occur without delay. We will get to that later in this article and the next, so keep reading.

First, a word about REFINED SUGARS
Don’t believe the people selling you this sweet stuff. They will not hesitate to tell you a tale to make the sale. The sugar industry has been spinning the story about sugar to their benefit in order to prevent sugar from getting a bad rap for almost 40 years. It’s time to fess up and tell all about what refined sugar has done to the population at large.

In 2003 the World Health Organization propose eating less sugar to fight obesity and suggested limiting consumption to less than 10% of daily calories. There was some political fallout that came from this statement and we all know what that means….money stops flowing unless you change your story. This kind of politics is nothing new. I imagine some people lost their jobs for telling the truth about sugar. We are not in the sugar business, but we are in the business of surviving the fallacies of the food industry in order to maintain high level thinking and functioning in our bodies in an effort to maintain wellness. That is the ultimate goal of this article.

Let’s begin with a quote from Aristotle…”The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”

Just the facts please. Here we go….
It should not surprise you to know that sugar, food, and beverage industries influence the scientific studies on the use of their products to further their agenda to sell more product. It’s called corporate greed. It is not unusual for the funding of these studies to come from grants provided by these industry leaders. This happens all the time and the results of these studies better say that there product is “good for ya” or no more funding. It is really that simple. If you don’t believe me, check it out for yourself. There are financial ties between The American Diabetic Association, who after years of misleading the public, has changed their name to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (this stunt is to hide and continue with disinformation under new sheep’s clothing) and the major junk food and sugar suppliers in this country. They are sponsored by General Mills, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, ConAgra, Wrigley, Nestle, Kraft, and the Sugar Association, etc. We have all enjoyed their products at some point in our lives including me. However, once you become wise to the damage that the refined sugars in them cause you begin to make better choices for yourself. No one will save you from the choices you are making about what you put into your body but YOU! We have seen that every choice puts you on a predictable path with a healthy or unhealthy destination.

This article is to be a wake up call for everyone
The false information about refined sugars you are getting is going to kill you unless you wake up and educate yourself on the truth when it comes to food. Sounds radical and harsh? Fair enough, but TRUE none the less.
Look around your local grocery store. 75-85 % of your grocery store food contains added sugars. It is extremely important that you learn to read labels and be able to identify which names mean refined sugar (another way they hide the truth).

Good vs. Bad Sugars
Not all sugars are created equal. There are “Good Sugars” and “Bad Sugars.” So what is the difference? First of all, let’s define what I mean by “Bad Sugars.” These are sugars that are empty calories and devoid of vital nutrients. Our food supply is filled with them.

What Are the “Bad” Refined Sugars?
• Fructose
• Some Fruit juice concentrates (fructose separated from fruit juice)
• Glucose (important sugar, but over consumed causing harmful high insulin levels)
• Sucrose (common table sugar)
• Dextrose
• Maltose
• Dextrin
• Corn Syrup
• Invert sugar
• Brown sugar
• White sugar
• High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
• Sucrose (combined with glucose in table sugar)

Harmful Effects of Refined Sugar
• Weight gain
• Insulin resistance
• Type 2 Diabetes
• Fatty liver disease
• High blood pressure
• Heart disease
• High triglycerides
• Gout
• Chronic inflammation
• Dental caries
Be sure to see our next article and get the scoop on GOOD sugars and a 10 Day Sugar Challenge.
At Duve Wellness Center we use an herb called Gymnema sylvestre leaf that is the 4000+ year old Chinese remedy for diabetes and blood sugar regulation.
If you or a loved one suffers with any of the conditions above you may want to learn how to use this fabulous herb and a 10 Day Sugar Challenge to change your life for the better.
Ask your preferred holistic doctor, chiropractor, acupuncturist, naturopath or other qualified wellness practitioner for more information on a 10 Day Sugar Challenge and learn how balance your sugar and be well.
If you do not get answers from your doctor then call me direct at 956-943-2300 and I will personally help design a path for wellness with you. After all if you wear your body out, where are you going to live?
Wellness is a choice not a chance. Be well.
Dr. Susan Duve
Duve Wellness Center & Natural Living Shoppe
201 W Queen Isabella, Port Isabel, TX 78578 956-943-2300
Dr. Susan Duve, DC, ND, FIAMA, ACN