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Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Food Is Making Me Sick?


Many people have suffered for years from conditions related to food and do not know it. You may know of someone who has struggled to find answers for years. These good people seek treatment to relieve their pain, discomfort, and change their appearance or weight so they can live a normal life. They continually complain to family and friends of their problem looking for support and answers. If the pain or problem is severe they may suffer tremendous losses in time at work or family activities and miss out on vacations or holidays events. With good intentions they run to the local drug store for pills, potions, lotions, or grab the latest magic health drink making things worse.

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After becoming weary and tired of the perpetual road blocks to a cure, they search the internet to find answers, sifting through enormous amounts of information they are not qualified to evaluate. Maybe they get pulled into a promising ad campaign and order product after product. They may change their job or lifestyle, and become hopeless and exhausted in despair with no solution.


When all of this self diagnosis and treatment does not work they then ask their doctors for advice. If seeking advice from a medical doctor, they may end up having unnecessary surgical procedures, or reluctantly medicate with prescription drugs. Some will begin a course of medication that leads to more symptoms until they are taking 5, 10, 15 or more medications at a time and never fixing anything. This is more common than you would ever imagine. Some unfortunates become addicted to these prescription medications or use illegal remedies that seem to help them function in the short run while robbing them of time, money and a real quality life in the long run. If seeking advice from a holistic doctor, they may end up trying many costly treatments or using harmless yet ineffective products that help but do not seem to cure their ailment completely.

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Now, I know this is true because I have first hand knowledge after having seen this in my own practice. As a Chiropractic Doctor for almost 20 years, I have consulted with thousands of patients about their time consuming search for the magic treatment. By the time I see them in my office, patients have been “through the ringer,” so to speak. They have tried it all and are physically tired, depleted emotionally, financially and usually skeptical of anything at this point. If I do my job effectively and pull together the puzzle pieces throughout the consultation, finding all connections and contributing factors, then a plan of real healing can begin for these people. There is hope for these good people.

The single most important factor here is FOOD!


What are people eating that is getting in the way of their body’s natural ability to heal? We have to look at this to really get to the bottom of chronic disease and dysfunction. For the most part, I have sharpened my clinical observation skills and my intuitive abilities to the point that if I look at someone’s body shape and size, it is clear to me what they are eating. It is not a surprise. But what is a surprise is when a patient comes in and they are eating what appears to be a very “healthy diet” full of fruits and veggies, wholesome grains and good meats and healthy fats, yet they are suffering horribly.

A Simple Blood Test T Reveal Food Sensitivities Saves The Day


This is when a good doctor uses a scientific tool to diagnose and we test for food sensitivity and intolerance with a simple blood test. We do this because not all food is good for all people. For example, I discovered I had an intolerance to brussels sprouts, a good vegetable for most, but not for me, at least not for now. My body developed a sensitivity to brussels sprouts due to a condition called “leaky gut” where the lining of the GI tract becomes thin and porous, spilling contents into the blood stream where is does not belong. This causes an inflammatory and immune reaction. The body is doing nothing wrong. It is performing precisely as it should when food particles leave the GI space. This is what should happen. The problem is the lining has deteriorated due to the harmful foods and chemicals I have been exposed to over the years. Now, you do not have to be my age (somewhere in the 40’s, smile) to have these problems. Some children are born this way. Some children are damaged by harmful toxins and poisons though the environment, food sources, medication or vaccines. We won’t get into that debate here, but you get the idea that there are many reasons this delicate GI lining, your internal protection to the outside world, breaks down and leaves the body vulnerable to everything that permeates it including good foods. When this happens we become sensitive and intolerant to certain foods. Inflammatory Connection The inability of the body to tolerate foods and environmental factors, also known as sensitivity or intolerance, induces chronic activation of the immune system leading to a long term inflammatory processes. This inflammation has been linked to countless chronic conditions including: digestive disorders, migraines, obesity, chronic fatigue, ADD, autism, depression, anxiety, aching joints, skin disorders, cancer, arthritis, addiction, autoimmunity, and many more. How does food sensitivity differ from classic food allergies? True food allergies refer to foods that trigger the immune system to acutely produce massive amounts of the chemical histamine that leads to anaphylaxis. This potentially fatal condition causes the throat and esophagus to swell, cutting off air from the lungs, or may simply cause hives, skin rashes, and other non-life-threatening reactions.This type of reaction is called a type I hypersensitivity reaction, caused by the degranulation of mast cells or basophils that is mediated by Immunoglobulin E (IgE). In a study of Treatment of Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Arthritis, Skin and Central Nervous System, investigator Danuta Mylek studied 72 patients who followed an elimination diet; they had significant improvement in their symptoms that included arthritis, bronchitis and gastrointestinal issues. Specifically, they found improvement in the following • 83% of arthritis patients • 75% of Urticaria, bronchitis, and gastroenteritis patients • 70% of migraine patients • 60% of chronic fatigue syndrome patients • 50% of asthma patients • 49% of ADHD patients • 47% of rhinitis patients • 32% of hyperactivity patients Patients were also skin tested for IgE allergy to inhalants and foods that were more pronounced in skin and nasal symptoms. Published in Advances in Medical Sciences; Formerly Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku Volume 40, Number 3, 1995.

Ask your doctor about testing for food sensitivity today.

Get the help you need to modify your diet. Spend some time and money to course correct your lifestyle for improved health and better quality of living. If you cannot find a doctor to perform this type of testing then call Duve Wellness Center at 956-943-2300 and we will ship you a lab kit and send a phlebotomist to your home and assist you anywhere in the United States. We have long discovered that food heals, and the right foods are very important! Find out what your “safe foods” are and begin the healing process today. WELLNESS ACADEMY - FREE!

If you would like to educate yourself on how to live a healthy life come by and see Dr. Duve for Wellness Academy on Monday and Wednesdays at 5pm. This is a FREE class offered to the public each week at Duve Wellness Center 201 W Queen Isabella, Port Isabel. You may register at!academy/c1yws Wellness is a Choice, Not a Chance Be Well, Dr. Susan Duve

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