“Ay Yi Yi … Another Migraine”
Speaking from years of personal experience with episodic migraines, 35 years to be precise, I know a few things about this debilitating condition. The fact of the matter is that I am not alone, many people are suffering from this condition.
According to the World Health Organization, migraine is 19th among all causes of living with disability. Recurring headaches negatively impact family life, social activity, and work capacity in those who suffer with them. According to the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, headache is third among reasons for seeking chiropractic care in North America.
This condition is baffling and not well understood by medical experts including myself. So, let’s look at what we do know to be true about migraines and then I’ll share with you my ways of prevention and getting relief if I did not catch it in time.

What Do We Know about Migraines
•Migraine is Greek ἡμικρανία (hemikrania), "pain on one side of the head"
•chronic disorder
•moderate to severe headaches, pulsating in nature
•unilateral (affecting one half of the head)
•nausea, vomiting
•photophobia (increased sensitivity to light)
•phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound)
•lasting from two to 72 hours
•symptoms are generally aggravated by routine activity
•three times more common in women than in men
•Approximately one-third of people perceive an aura
•Aura can be a transient visual, sensory, language, or motor disturbances signaling the migraine will soon occur
•some believe it to be a neurological disorder, more evidence is needed to confirm this theory
Migraine Theories

There are many theories on what causes migraines. Whether it is vascular, neurologic, allergenic, or even psychosomatic, the same is true for all, the pain is severe and a solution is needed for those who suffer. I have a couple of my own theories about what is going on with migraine. Migraine could be an autoimmune disorder and the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) are the target. Migraine could involve a sluggish gall bladder and stagnation of bile release into the digestive tract causing irritation of the gall bladder and referred pain to the neck and shoulders triggering a migraine. Migraine could be a pH problem in the upper digestive system whereby not enough stomach acid causes food to stay in the stomach too long and causes stimulation of the vagus nerve followed by vasoconstriction (decreased blood to brain), hypoxia (not enough oxygen to the brain), vascular fatigue (vessels collapse), vasodilation (increase blood to the brain), migraine cascade (pounding pain in the head, neurological disturbances, nausea, etc.), that is relieved by the emptying of the stomach or vomiting. Anyone who has migraine knows all too well this entire pathway even if they cannot describe it in technical medical terms.
Desperate for relief, we try OTC drugs and even prescription drugs to stop the excruciatingly severe pain. Taking Excedrin Migraine or other highly advertised migraine products NEVER fixes the problem and sets you up for never ending rebound migraines, potential liver and kidney damage, and the latest research shows a breakdown of the gastro intestinal lining which can lead to ulceration, bleeding, leaky gut, autoimmune disorders and multiple food allergies to name a few.

Migraine could also be caused by spinal subluxation (spinal nerve root irritation) at the regions of the mid to upper back correlating with digestion. This is why some migraine sufferers respond favorably if receiving chiropractic care on a regular basis.
Migraines could be caused by all of the above and not all solutions work for every condition. Further research needs to be done to validate such theories.
Natural Treatments for Migraine

“Treatment modalities typically used by chiropractors to care for patients with headaches include spinal manipulation, mobilization, device-assisted spinal manipulation, education about modifiable lifestyle factors, physical therapy modalities, heat/ice, massage, advanced soft tissue therapies such as trigger point therapy, and strengthening and stretching exercises.” - JMPT
According to the latest research study, June 2011, in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics the following treatment options are promising: For migraine, spinal manipulation and multimodal multidisciplinary interventions including massage are recommended for management of patients with episodic or chronic migraine.
Because I refuse to let migraines dominate my life, I have sought traditional as well as non-traditional treatments. I have personally triedNatural Treatments for Migraine, massage, hot stone therapy, lymphatic drainage, biofeedback, acupuncture, yoga, exercises, stretches, mudras, meditation, emotional freedom technique, supplements, western herbs, Chinese herbs, custom diet, fasting, essential oils, homeopathic remedies, teas, colonics, elimination diets, folk remedies, allopathic drugs, OTC medications and many non-traditional alternatives like sensory deprivation, healing touch, color therapy and many more. Some of these modalities actually made their way into my practice. But, I have to admit, not all of them work for every case. What has made a significant difference for me is the following whole food supplements, foods, and spinal care.
Natural Migraine Prevention & Relief
1.-Regular Acupuncture, Chiropractic Spinal Care, & Massage – special attention to upper cervical and digestive regions in the thoracic spine. Regular massage can keep the stress, muscle spasms, and lymphatic flow balanced. Ask your acupuncture practitioner about these acupuncture points for migraine: TH5, GB34, GB20, LI4, ST36
2.– adrenal, thyroid, hypothalamus, pituitary, male and female sex hormones can all be balanced with proper nutrition and use of homeopathic remedies to restore balance. Functional lab testing can determine if you are having migraines due to a hormonal imbalance. Ask your wellness practitioner for details.
3. - enzymatic support for protein digestion, pancreatin, pepsin, and betaine hydrochloride, healthy gastrointestinal pH, supports the environment of the gastrointestinal tract
4. - Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized and 5% acidity, best if it contains the amazing Mother of Vinegar which occurs naturally as strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules, proper stomach pH, rich in enzymes & potassium, support a healthy immune system, helps control weight, promotes digestion & ph Balance, helps soothe dry throats, helps remove body sludge toxins.
5. - natural source of betaine, supports healthy fat digestion, supports normal processing of dietary fats, cholesterol-metabolism, healthy bowel functioning, bile production in the liver and healthy bile flow in the gallbladder, helps maintain healthy levels of fat in the liver
6.contains sesquiterpene lactones and other compounds, support and maintains normal platelet activity, helps normal serotonin metabolism, promote resistance function, encourages healthy circulation, needs to be taken long term for effectiveness.
7.- promotes healthy cellular metabolism, proper calcium to phosphorus ratio, supports bone health
8. - A good whole food cleansing program could look like this: Rice protein concentrate, flax meal powder, calcium citrate, magnesium citrate, buckwheat (leaf), Brussels sprouts (whole plant), kale (whole plant), choline bitartrate, inositol, alfalfa (whole plant) juice powder, soybean lecithin powder, grape (seed) extract, carrot (root) powder, and red wine extract (95% total phenols). Cleansing components like: Juniper berry powder (Juniperus communis), red clover (flower) powder (Trifolium pratense), collinsonia (root) powder, apple pectin, burdock (root) powder (Arctium lappa), barley (grass) powder, dandelion (leaf) (Taraxacum officinale), beet (root), Spanish black radish (root), Oregon grape (root) powder (Berberis aquifolium), cayenne pepper powder (Capsicum annuum), fenugreek (seed) powder, choline bitartrate, inositol, globe artichoke (leaf) (Cynara scolymus)†, fennel (seed), milk thistle (Silybum marianum) (80% silymarins), Tillandsia usneoides, broccoli (whole plant) powder, kale (whole plant) powder, carrot (root) powder, and sweet potato.
9.- a liver fat extract discovered by Japanese researchers that is used to support the body's normal detoxification mechanisms, supports the liver and the body's natural antihistamine function, can be taken as preventive and in large doses with active migraine.
10. – Find an herbal blend with Cramp Bark, Corydalis, Ginger, Raspberry Leaf and Wild Yam. This combination of herbs contains many phytochemicals including alkaloids, terpenoids, pungent principles (including gingerols), flavonoids, gallotannins, ellagitannins and steroidal saponins.

Together these herbs and their constituents can help provide antispasmodic activity to ease occasional spasms of smooth muscle including those associated with the menstrual cycle, provide antispasmodic activity to ease occasional spasms of smooth muscle including those associated with the bowel/lower intestinal tract, provide antispasmodic activity to ease occasional spasms of smooth muscle including those associated with the male genitourinary tract, provide relief from discomfort associated with menstruation, support healthy bowel function, provide temporary relief of bowel spasm and constipation, promote a natural, healthy balance within the female endocrine system, support female reproductive system health.
Mother Nature provides well for all our ailments though plants and foods. The pharmacy is inside you. We need to feed the body wholesome foods to produce what we need. If you are not feeling well, you may not be eating well and might be missing something.
Ask your MD, DO, DC, Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, or Holistic Practitioner what options they offer for migraine pain. Non-invasive and natural measures should be explored as a first resort before the use of medications as they may drive biochemical pathways temporarily, they are not a curative. Remember the healing power of whole foods. Sometimes the remedy may surprise you.
Wellness is a choice…Be Well
By Dr. Susan Duvé, DC, ND, FIAMA, ACN, Acup. Orthopedics, Detox Specialist