Parasites, What You Don’t Know About Them Can Kill You
Parasites are everywhere, but what you do not know about parasites can kill you. Yes, that is a strong statement and I hope it gets your attention. You and your family can be harboring a community of invaders that should not be living inside your bodies. Thankfully there are many ways to get rid of them fast.
So, what is a parasite anyway?
According to merriam- Webster Dictionary
1: a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery
2: an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism
3: something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return

There really are two type of parasites one good and one bad. Endo-parasites live in another organism without causing harm. Ecto-parasites live in another organism at the expense of the host. Or in other words it is an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.

Some of us have family and friends that would fit that description, right? Let's be real here…We call them by many names like bloodsucker, freeloader, free rider, hanger-on, moocher, leech, sponge, sponger, etc. Let's talk about the type of parasite that is invading your body and freeloading on your life! This is serious business and if you are not careful parasites can catch up with you and unexpectedly end an otherwise great life. I am sure some of you know of someone who died of infection and not old age. This does not have to be the case for anyone if you knew what you have available to you.

Let's be clear here…parasites are not the enemy. They are the opportunists that invade when the environment is perfect for them to thrive. Most of the time there is not super human bug that is causing infection. Again, most of the time this is not the case…now history tells us there are in fact biological weapons out there, but that is a topic for another time. The parasites I am referring to here are your everyday organisms that can really do some damage unless you take some precautions and exercise some preventative measures.

How Do We Get Parasites?
Parasites can populate the gastrointestinal tract. In humans they are often spread by poor hygiene related to feces, contact with animals, or poorly cooked food containing parasites.
The major groups of parasites include protozoans (one cell organisms) and parasitic worms (helminths). Of these, protozoans, including cryptosporidium, microsporidia, and isospora, are most common in HIV-infected persons. Each of these parasites can invest the digestive tract, and sometimes two or more can cause infection at the same time. Some examples are roundworms like ascaris, pinworm whipworm, hookworm, trichinosis, toxocara, veinworm, dog heartworm, flatworms like tapeworms or flukes, single cell parasites, and parasitic bacteria spiroketes.

Signs and Symptoms of Parasitic Infection:
•frequent fatigue and low energy
•flatulence, gas, bloating
•excess weight
•food allergies
•impaired digestion
•protruding abdomen
•sugar cravings
•joint and muscle pain
•irritability, mood swings
•bad breath
•foul smelling stools
•parasites in the stool
•anal itching
•frequent colds
•recurring headaches
•chronic constipation
•irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
•powerful food cravings
•skin problems, rashes, etc.
•metallic taste in mouth
•grinding teeth at night
•candida infection

Some Diseases Cause by Parasites:
Heart Disease
Manic Depression
Multiple Sclerosis

When a person is infected with worms, the body’s supply of nutrients is depleted to the point that supplementation is necessary to restore normal health. Parasites and infectious agents cause most human diseases including cancer and leukemia. Parasites have been ignored far too long and can be treated with certain herbal and oxidative substances. Thousands of people have experienced remarkable healing after their parasites were killed.

How To Get Rid OF Freeloader Parasites:
Many herbal remedies have been used to kill parasites like these: stemon root, black walnut green hulls, wormwood herb, clove oil, Andrographis Complex and others. Stool testing, biofeedback, clinical evaluation can reveal a need for a good parasite cleanse. It is never too late to clean the body of parasites before a disease process takes over. It is always easier to stay well than get well. As always visit with your MD, DC, DO, Acupuncturist, Naturopath, or other Holistic Practitioner for a parasite evaluation. For Dr. Duve’s Freeloader Parasite Protocol visit us at or call for an appointment 956-943-2300. You can see more of Dr. Duve’s Wellness Articles at
Wellness is a choice….Be Well
Dr. Susan Duve, DC, ND, FIAMA, ACN, Orthopedic Acup., Detox Specialist