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Protomorphogens or PMG’s as we call them at Duve Wellness Center are extracts that provide an important adjunct for nutritional support of cellular function. Dr. Royal Lee pioneered this unique method of using PMG’s in clinical nutrition and believed that these factors were important in cell regulation, maintenance, and the interaction with tissue antibodies. This is critical information for someone with an autoimmune disorder. (See Autoimmune Disease Part I and Autoimmune Disease Part II at

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Why are the PMG’s Important

These PMG extracts contain “cell determinants” from specific organs and glands and are used for clinical purposes in wellness care. These cell determinants help re-establish normal cell function and basically rehabilitate the tissues. PMG’s have specific applications and effects. Protomorphogens are not to be confused with commonly manufactured “glandulars” because these extracts have distinct qualities that help the body heal.

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“Blueprint” and “Decoy” Effects

In lay terms, Protomorphogens* have many functions, but they two most significant functions are their tissue blueprint and antibody decoy effects.

So let’s explain the “blueprint effect” first. Most tissue in the body has the capacity to rejuvenate itself. This is common knowledge. What you may not realize is that nerve tissue can also regenerate give the right circumstances. There have been studies that have proven that our bodies are self-rejuvenating by nature. Some tissues take longer than others, but they all do it! So PMG’s provide the “blueprint” to new cell growth.

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As for the “decoy effect,” this is absolutely critical for the patient suffering with an Autoimmune Disorder where the body is creating antibodies that attack its own tissues. This is becoming more common, but it is NOT normal. I won’t get into the mechanism of action or the cause in this article but I will tell you this….our food supply and pharmaceutical drugs are the primary smoking guns here. The thin layer of endothelium that lines the gut is being compromised by NON FOODS, medications, chemicals and toxins. When this thin lining breaks down and becomes porous, food can permeate the lining and create this antigen-antibody reaction which results in tissue destruction. This can happen to any tissue in the body. See the list below for the most common tissues affected.


PMG’s for the following tissues:

  • Bone

  • Heart

  • Epidermis (skin, hair, nail, sweat glands, sebaceous glands)

  • Adrenal

  • Hypothalamus (brain)

  • Mammary (breast)

  • Muscle

  • Nerve

  • Eye

  • Ovary

  • Pancreas

  • Parotid

  • Prostate

  • Thyroid

  • Testes

  • Lung

  • Pituitary (brain)

  • Kidney

  • Spleen

  • Thymus

  • Uterus

If you want your body to heal you must create an internal environment that enables the healing process. This starts with identifying some key factors that should be eliminated like chemicals, unnecessary drugs, toxins, immune system disruptors, xenohormones, etc. The most common of these are over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or NSAID’s. You know them as Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen, etc. These products break down the gut lining like no other substance. Don’t believe me read the side effects in the package insert. There are far too many to be listed on the bottle. That should tell you something right there.

Here are the just some of the GI side effects for Aspirin from



Endoscopically identifiable gastric mucosal lesions occur in most patients who receive a single dose of aspirin. Clinically evident gastrointestinal bleeding has been reported in as many as 3% of treated elderly patients. Anorectal ulceration and rectal stenosis have been reported in patients who abuse aspirin-containing rectal suppositories. One case-controlled study has suggested that an association between aspirin (and other NSAID) consumption and appendicitis may exist. The risk of developing dyspeptic events (i.e., epigastric pain, heartburn, nausea, ulcers) is low in rheumatic patients with no prior gastrointestinal symptoms who receive low-dose (less than 650 mg/day) aspirin therapy. Gastrointestinal side effects have included epigastric distress (in as many as 83% of patients treated with regular aspirin), abdominal discomfort or pain, endoscopically identifiable gastric mucosal lesions, nausea, and vomiting. More serious gastrointestinal effects include hemorrhage, peptic ulcers, perforation, small bowel enteropathy, and esophageal ulcerations.


I would like them to add Autoimmune Disease to the list because it is a predictable sequel of events when consuming NSAID’s. And through their own admission a single dose can cause the GI lesions! Shocking right? We are a quick fix society that is paying the price which will always catch up with us eventually. If you have pain we have many plant based herbs that are just as effective without the side effects and help the body heal. Just ask me about them. Maybe my next article will have to be about these brilliant pain relieving herbs and botanicals. They are fabulous!

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I will also mention that if you continue to eat food allergens this keeps the immune system very busy and the inflammation levels too high for healing to occur, so you should also get tested for food sensitivity and allergies. Then you can stop eating what is harming you and lower the inflammatory process so the body can heal. We usually suggest at least 90-180 days using a 4 day rotational diet of your safe foods (the foods your body does not react to).

Gastrointestinal reconditioning is also required to seal up the “leaky gut” and arrest the antigen-antibody reaction. This must occur for proper healing, otherwise you are not fixing the cause, but just controlling the symptoms.

Fortunately there are skilled clinicians who can properly identify your problem and prescribe you the correct PMG’s to protect your tissues. As with all conditions you should talk to your healthcare provider and see what your options are. The good news is that patients can usually do the nutritional work right alongside the medications until the body heals.

Wellness is a choice.

Be Well,

Dr. Susan Duve

*Protomorphogens is a trademarked name owned by Standard Process. We are proud to carry Standard Process products at Duve Wellness Center for over 19 years.

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