Protomorphogens or PMG’s as we call them at Duve Wellness Center are extracts that provide an important adjunct for nutritional support...

When the usual regular dose of caffeine is delayed, the caffeine remaining in the body is catabolized (dismantled and thereby...

Parasites, What You Don’t Know About Them Can Kill You
Parasites are everywhere, but what you do not know about parasites can kill you. Yes, that is a strong statement and I hope it gets your...

When You Don't Know What Foods Are Harming You, It Is Hard To Avoid Them
I am treating more patients in my office with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis...

Are you suffering from a Nutritional Deficiency?
Where is my vitality? Why do I ache all over? Why am I tired even after I have had “plenty” of sleep? Like millions of Americans – You...

The single most devastating problem with health today is an all-out assault on the stomach by what we choose to put in our mouths. So...

Adrenal Stress
Stressful challenges from our environment such as air, water and chemical pollution, the eating of junk foods, stressed interpersonal...

What a Healthy Traditional Diet Looks Like
You should live to at least 75 years of age without suffering along the way. This is not the story for many. Few people are getting to...

“Ay Yi Yi … Another Migraine”
Speaking from years of personal experience with episodic migraines, 35 years to be precise, I know a few things about this debilitating...

Eat Your Greens
Explaining the reason to eat your vegetables to children is never an easy task. It’s usually followed by, “because I said so.” We all...